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Thursday, February 5, 2009

~Mischief~ Longing...for Spring

In the cool ending of the winter
I find myself yearning
For Thy warmth, oh Mistress Spring

Thy leaves and branches outreaching
Thy tender parts swelling and pinking
Thy rosy petals unfurling

Oh! To slide into Thy earthy dampness
To be ravished by Thy pale perfection
To be filled with Thy rising vibrance

Come, Come sweet Mistress
Ah, how I ache for Thee
To drink deeply from Thine invigorating pools

Let me worship at Thy lustrious altar
Let me bask in Thy radiant glory
Let my adoration usher Thee in, my glorious Spring


No Tresspassing - NT's Erotica Club said...

Ahmen to that sister :)
Give me some warmth!

Anonymous said...

I thought you wanted lasagna! ;)